Three Newly Appointed Directors to the Board of Directors
During the 2018–2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Isuarsivik Regional Recovery Centre (Isuarsivik)’s members announced the appointment of three directors to represent the community. Following a public call for interest advertised in the 14 Nunavik communities, several candidates had attracted the attention of the Board members. The members of the Board were impressed by the quality of the applications and the region’s people’s interest in our cause.
Interviews were therefore held on September 16 and after further administrative procedures, the three new members were announced. Sean McDonald (Kuujjuaq), Louisa Kuananack (Puvirnituq) and Minnie Maali Snowball (Kanqiqsualujjuaq) now sit with the six members already in office.
A native of Newfoundland and a resident of Kuujjuaq from an early age, Mr. McDonald has been the manager of Kuujjuaq weather station for over 23 years. He has also held various positions as a mechanic, educator, fisherman and manager. He is motivated by Isuarsivik’s cause because “never have there been so many broken families from trauma and substance abuse in the region to a point where children are taking their lives or going to Foster care. The cycle will not end until we heal,” he stated.
Ms. Kuananack, is an Isuarsivik’s individual healing program alumni from 2011. Coordinator of the justice committee in Puvirnituq, she has been leading a healthy lifestyle since her time at our Centre. Her touching testimony during the Isuarsivik’s 2017–2018 Annual General Meeting inspired many. She is a true model of perseverance for the region and especially for her children. By sitting on Isuarsivik’s Board, she wishes to give back what she has received to those in need because she reveals perseverance, courage and faith no matter the trauma and challenges.
Ms. Snowball is proudly representing the Inuit younger generation on Isuarsivik’s Board. She is the coordinator of Qarmaapik House in her hometown. A graduate of Ulluriaq School in Kangiqsualujjuaq, she is a strong advocate of various northern issues and has represented the region at numerous meetings and events. As a former Students on Ice alumni delegate, she attended the United Nations Rio +20 Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012 and met with then Premier Jean Charest to share her impressions of the Plan Nord. She feels privileged to sit on the Isuarsivik Board because she believes that it’s fulfilling and empowering to be involved in different initiatives as much as it is to help others in need. By being engaged locally and regionally, she also wants to show by example to her children that we can together make a difference.